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  1. As the name suggests, walk-in closets are closets sufficiently big as to allow one to walk into them to browse through the items. It is often a small room with wall-mounted cabinet, shelf and drawers, and these can either be with or without doors (for example sliding doors).

  2. E-Learning është një formë elektronike e mësimit që bazohet në një teknologji të avancuar. E-Learning të mundëson të mësoni në klasë, në grup, dhe kudo që ka pajisje komjuterike të konfiguruar.

  3. E-learning lub e-nauka – nauczanie lub szkolenia przy użyciu technologii informatycznej. Oznacza wspomaganie procesu dydaktycznego za pomocą komputerów osobistych, smartfonów, tabletów i Internetu. Pozwala na ukończenie kursu, szkolenia, a nawet studiów bez konieczności fizycznej obecności w sali wykładowej.

  4. Edukacja na odległość, zwana też zdalnym nauczaniem ( D-learning lub dLearning z ang. distance learning) – metoda uczenia się charakteryzująca się odseparowaniem nauczyciela od ucznia oraz ucznia od grupy uczących się, zastępując bezpośrednią komunikację interpersonalną (typową dla konwencjonalnej edukacji) komunikacją, w ...

  5. › wiki › WardrobeWardrobe - Wikipedia

    A wardrobe, also called armoire or almirah, is a standing closet used for storing clothes. The earliest wardrobe was a chest, and it was not until some degree of luxury was attained in regal palaces and the castles of powerful nobles that separate accommodation was provided for the apparel of the great.

  6. › wiki › ClosetCloset - Wikipedia

    Walk-in closet: A storage room with enough space for someone to stand in it while accessing stored items. Larger ones used for clothes shade into dressing room. Wall closet: A closet in a bedroom that is built into the wall. It may be closed by curtains or folding doors, in which clothes can be stored folded on shelves.

  7. › wiki › EnciklopediaEnciklopedia - Wikipedia

    Enciklopedia ( lat: encyclopaedia gr. enkyklios - i gjithëpërfshirshëm + paideia, arsimim i përgjithshëm) është vepër e madhe shkencore që përfshin njohuri për të gjitha fushat e jetës e të veprimtarisë, të sistemuara në mënyrë të përmbledhur në trajtën e një fjalori.

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