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  1. Get distance between two gameobjects in Unity with this easy-to-follow guide. Learn how to calculate the distance between two GameObjects in Unity using the Vector3.Distance () method. This method takes two Vector3s as arguments and returns the distance between them in units.

  2. 3 cze 2021 · To have the exact evaluation distance you need you can consider to create the planes of your cube with the plane class. Then you can obtain the distance with Plane.ClosestPointOnPlane, that is the smalles distance in plane's normal direction, the distance that you need.

  3. We see how to calculate the distance between two objects in Unity, distance in space (Vector3) and distance in a plane (Vector2).

  4. 1 sty 2010 · Do a physics.Raycast (RaycastAll) from each object to the other, and see the hit that is on that object, then subtract the remainder of the distance. The middle part is the physical distance between colliders.

  5. 17 mar 2010 · A more mathematical approach, you could use the Pythagorean Theorem and calculate the hypotenuse using the right triangle with the grid units in unity. So, the square root of (delta)X^2 + (delta)Z^2 = flatdistance (this is a var)

  6. 14 paź 2021 · To calculate the distance to another collider, Physics.Raycast is sufficient. Here's an example loosely based on code from your original post with cruft removed that isn't related to the task at hand.

  7. Description. Returns the distance between a and b. Vector3.Distance(a,b) is the same as (a-b).magnitude. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour . { public Transform other; void Example() { if (other) { float dist = Vector3.Distance (other.position, transform.position);