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  1. International Cooperation in Education ERASMUS in the SOCRATES Programme ERASMUS, the “flagship” among the educational programmes of the European Union, underwent substantial programmatic and structural changes when it became a sub-programme under the umbrella of the SOCRATES programme in the mid-1990s. The role of the centre of the univer-

  2. 04.5 Industrial Relations and Personnel Management Stosunki przemysłowe i zarządzanie personelem 04.6 Secretarial Studies Studium sekretarskie 04.7 Marketing and Sales Management Marketing i zarządzanie 04.9 Others Business Studies, Management Science Inne studia w zakresie biznesu i zarządzania

  3. Głównym celem artykułu jest przybliżenie historii, założeń i celów edukacyjnego programu Unii Europejskiej Socrates/Erasmus oraz zwrócenie uwagi na kolosalne znaczenie, jakie program ten miał i nadal ma dla jednoczącej się Europy.

  4. Presents the scope of activities in the programme and its development in the following years, as well as the importance of developing a Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS); defining strategies for European cooperation within programme.

  5. Key words: Socrates/Erasmus program, international cooperation, intercultural education In my presentation I would like to talk about the Socrates/Erasmus program of interuniversity cooperation, which I coordinate The program involves cooperation between the University of Silesia in Cieszyn, Poland and Centre de Formation

  6. 1 sty 2002 · We argue that the mobility component of the Erasmus program provided the confidence required to be independent and the insight needed to make international comparisons.

  7. Socrates-Erasmus – fragment pakietu programów edukacyjnych Socrates II Komisji Europejskiej, który ma na celu podnoszenie poziomu kształcenia i wzmacnianie jego europejskiego wymiaru w szkołach wyższych.