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  1. 28 wrz 2020 · Hello, so I was wondering how to setup a keybind event for a vehicleseat/seat. So maybe in a car if you held down the H key, the horn would sound. Or maybe for a steam train if you held down E, a particle emitter would be enabled shooting steam out of a pipe. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.

  2. VehicleSeat. The VehicleSeat objects welds a player to the seat when the player touches the seat. It then forwards the movement keys to any connected motor joints, allowing control of a vehicle. While VehicleSeats are great for making simple vehicles they do have some limitations.

  3. Then I came up with a much harder problem: How do I get the speed of a BasePart (in this case a VehicleSeat) and display it on a GUI. I've looked at other forums and they have been using .Velocity but to my understanding that is outdated and there's a newer way.

  4. 21 lut 2022 · The first thing would be to hide HeadsUpDisplay and you would get the speed with the Magnitude of the speed of the car. local DriveSeat = --path to VehicleSeat local Velocity = DriveSeat.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude print(Velocity)

  5. 28 gru 2021 · The VehicleSeats’ speed bar can be hidden by disabling the “HeadsUpDisplay” property of the seat. These seats are normally only used in legacy style vehicles with physics-based movement, whereas the games you listed are very scripted and are much more likely using regular Seats then executing code for custom controls when someone sits in ...

  6. 28 maj 2021 · I want to make it so that the player’s mouse controls the turning of a submarine by turning in the direction that the mouse is. Like the Seamoth in Subnautica.

  7. 9 maj 2023 · Jump in its driver's seat. The car will start moving of its own accord. You may now control this car with WASD. If you’re in mobile, simply use the joystick. To stop the car, press Space Bar to jump off, or if you’re in mobile, press the jump button.

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