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  1. 1. Mr. Wilcox would really like his laptimes to be consistently between 1.75 and 1.85 minutes. What proportion of his laps were in this range? Interpret your result in the context of the problem. 2. In order to beat ItaTom, Mr. Wilcox needs to have lap times that are less than 1.72 minutes. Find the proportion of laps that were faster than 1.72 ...

  2. Mr. Wilcox would really like his lap times to be consistently between 1.75 and 1.85 minutes. What proportion of his laps were in this range?

  3. Math 2 NCFE Review Resources. The version of the browser you are using is no longer supported.

  4. In order to beat Mr. Butzier, Mr. Kawa needs to have lap times that are less than 1.72 minutes. Find the proportion of laps that were faster than 1.72 minutes. Interpret your result in the context of the problem.

  5. Summer Workbook Answers. Using our White Rose maths workbooks? Find the answers to every question here!

  6. Mr. Wilcox would really like his laptimes to be consistently between 1.75 and 1.85 minutes. What proportion of his laps were in this range? Interpret your result in the context of the problem.

  7. Kalkulator kilometrów jest niezwykle przydatnym narzędziem zwłaszcza w przypadku wytyczania dłuższych tras samochodowych, np. z jednego miasta do drugiego lub pomiędzy poszczególnymi krajami.

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