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  1. The displacement volume of drug X is 0.5mL/40mg. Step 1 – Find the final volume If the required concentration is 4mg in 1mL, then 20mL is needed for 80mg of drug X. Step 2 – Determine displacement volume If 40mg displaces 0.5mL of solution, it means 80mg displaces 1mL. Step 3 – Subtract displacement volume from final volume

  2. 1 2 (ui,j +uj,i)dxj + 1 2 (r⇥u⇥dx) i =(eij +wij)dxj,(1.4) where wij is a rotational translation term (diagonal term is zero, wij = wji). Then eij = e is the strain tensor, which contains the spatial derivatives of the displacement field. With the definition of eij, the tensor is symmetric and has 6 independent components. eij = 0 B @ u1,1 ...

  3. Chapter 5 – The Acoustic Wave Equation and Simple Solutions. (5.1) In this chapter we are going to develop a simple linear wave equation for sound propagation in fluids (1D). In reality the acoustic wave equation is nonlinear and therefore more complicated than what we will look at in this chapter. However, in most common applications, the ...

  4. y = x + u(x, t) We could also express this formula using index notation, as. yi = xi + ui(x1, x2, x3, t) Here, the subscript i has values 1,2, or 3, and (for example) yi represents the three Cartesian components of the vector y. The displacement field completely specifies the change in shape of the solid.

  5. It works because displacement is the product of velocity and time. And in our graph when you multiply velocity and time you're basically multiplying two lengths in our graph and that gives us the area. And so that's the secret to calculating displacements and from a velocity time graph.

  6. 1 2 (ui,j +uj,i)dxj + 1 2 (r⇥u⇥dx) i =(eij +wij)dxj,(1.4) where wij is a rotational translation term (diagonal term is zero, wij = wji). Then eij = e is the strain tensor, which contains the spatial derivatives of the displacement field. With the definition of eij, the tensor is symmetric and has 6 independent components. eij = 0 B @ u1,1 ...

  7. Outline. Strain E and Displacement u(x) u(x) u(x+dx) u(L) dx dx’. δ(dx) = dx’ – dx how much does a differential length change δ(dx) = u(x+dx) - u(x) difference in displacements. Strain: . 2. Uniform Strain & Linear Displacement u(x) u(x) u(x+dx) u(L) dx dx’ Constant Strain: Linear displacement: u(x) = E0x. More Types of Strain.