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  1. The distance-time graph below shows her journey. (a) How long was the meeting? (b) What time did Grace leave the meeting? (c) How far from home was Grace at 15:15? (d) How many miles did Grace travel between 07:00 and 08:30? (e) Work out Grace’s average speed on the journey from Bristol to London.

  2. Distance vs Time Graphing Practice #3 Answer Key - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.

  3. Directions: Draw a line on each of the time-distance graphs below as instructed. 1. Show a car’s constant speed of 75 km/h on a city street. 2. Show the motion of a car that travels for 30 seconds on a highway at a speed of 2 km/h, pulls off on the shoulder and stops for half a minute, and then resumes its trip at half its previous speed.

  4. Draw a distance vs time graph that depicts the journey of the helicopter . The distance represent how high the helicopter is above the ground. 2) Draw a distance vs time graph of a dog that is tied to a 4 foot rope and travels in 1 complete circle.

  5. Making a graph showing distance and time can tell you a great deal about the motion of an object. Look at the axes below. Time is always plotted along the X-axis and Distance is always plotted along the Y-axis. Time is usually in seconds but can also be in minutes or hours.

  6. Distance Charts. Question 1: The table shows the distances, in kilometres, between some towns. (a) Write down the distance between Newtown and Greensville. (b) Write down the names of the two towns that are the most distance apart.

  7. distance, to the nearest tenth of a mile, between Jamal’s home and Sheila’s home? [The use of the accompanying grid is optional.] 23 Two hikers started at the same location. One traveled 2 miles east and then 1 mile north. The other traveled 1 mile west and then 3 miles south. At the end of their hikes, how many miles apart are the two hikers?