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  1. 26 cze 2024 · Edit Distance. Given two strings str1 and str2 of length M and N respectively and below operations that can be performed on str1. Find the minimum number of edits (operations) to convert ‘str1‘ into ‘str2‘. Operation 3 (Replace): Replace a character at any index of str1 with some other character.

  2. 6 dni temu · Now I wanted to ask if the time complexity of this function is O(n^2) or O(1)? From my point of view, the worst case is that the loop runs from 0 to 9. Meaning the worst case becomes a constant. So in my opinion, the time complexity should be O(1).

  3. 28 cze 2024 · Merge sort is a sorting algorithm that follows the divide-and-conquer approach. It works by recursively dividing the input array into smaller subarrays and sorting those subarrays then merging them back together to obtain the sorted array.

  4. 28 cze 2024 · QuickSort is a sorting algorithm based on the Divide and Conquer algorithm that picks an element as a pivot and partitions the given array around the picked pivot by placing the pivot in its correct position in the sorted array.

  5. 26 cze 2024 · Handling errors in functions. Functions may fail for any number of reasons -- the caller may have passed in an argument with an invalid value, or something may fail within the body of the function. For example, a function that opens a file for reading might fail if the file cannot be found.

  6. 3 dni temu · Informal Definition. Levenshtein distance is the smallest number of edit operations required to transform one string into another. Edit operations include insertions, deletions, and substitutions. In the following example, we need to perform 5 operations to transform the word INTENTION into EXECUTION.

  7. 16 cze 2024 · The compile-time const challenge. Also in the prior lesson ( 5.4 -- Constant expressions and compile-time optimization ), we discussed how one way to make a compile-time constant variable is to use the const keyword. If the const variable has an integral type and a constant expression initializer, it is a compile-time constant.

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