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  1. Windows Mobile 6.5 is a version of Windows Mobile. It was a stopgap update to Windows Mobile 6.1 intended to bridge the gap between version 6.1, that arrived in 2008, and Windows Phone 7 that was released in 2010.

  2. Ostatnia wersja systemu – Windows Mobile 6.5.3 – została wydana 2 lutego 2010 roku. Od wersji 7 Microsoft odszedł od nazwy Windows Mobile, zastępując ją nazwą Windows Phone; nowy system został przedstawiony na MWC 2010 w lutym w Barcelonie.

  3. 19 sty 2014 · Niestety bardzo dużym problemem Windows Mobile 6 była jego wydajność. Telefony te posiadały zbyt słabe podzespoły, czego efektem były częste spowolnienia i lagi, co postanowiono naprawić dopiero w siódmej wersji tego systemu.

  4. Windows Mobile 6.5 is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows Mobile family. Mainstream support for 6.5 ended on January 8, 2013. It was originally intended to bridge the gap between version 6.1, that arrived in 2008, and the then yet-to-be-released Windows Phone 7.

  5. Windows Mobile 6.5 is a stopgap update to Windows Mobile 6.1, based on the Windows CE 5.x kernel, intended to bridge the gap between version 6.1 and the then yet-to-be released Windows Mobile 7 (Later canceled in favor of Windows Phone 7), that arrived in 2010.

  6. 29 lis 2018 · WM6.5 brings all sorts of new features to Windows Mobile Pro (touchscreen) and a handful to Windows Mobile Standard (non-touchscreen).

  7. 21 lis 2018 · Today's launch of Windows Mobile 6.5 truly is a global event, with dozens of phones either already available or being unveiled. At home, we have the following [ via Microsoft ]: HTC Pure from...

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