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  1. the trapezoidal rule has the form Zb a f (x)dx ˇ h 2 [y0 +2y1 +2y2 +. . . +2yn 1 +yn] (1) where 1. n is the number of strips and can be any number. 2. yn = f (xn) are the values of f (xn) at the points xi where i = 0,1,2,. . .,n. Note that x0 = a, xn = b. 3. h is the width of each strip and h = b a n. 4. x1 = a+h, x2 = a+2h, x3 = a+3h ...

  2. 1. Error Bounds Formula for Trapezoidal Rule. The error formula for the trapezoidal rule is: Where: a, b, = the endpoints of the closed interval [a, b]. max|f′′ (x)| = least upper bound of the second derivative. n = number of partitions (rectangles) used.

  3. The error bounds for numerical integration are presented without proof. While it is perhaps unreasonable to prove all of them in an introductory text, one should at least prove the bound for the Trapezoidal Rule since it is a nice application of integration by parts.

  4. We derive the Trapezoidal rule for approximating R b f(x) dx. a. using the Lagrange polynomial method, with the linear Lagrange polynomial. Let x0 = a, x1 = b, and h = b − a. b= x1 f(x) dx = P1(x) dx. x1 1 x1.

  5. A SHORT PROOF OF THE ERROR BOUND FOR THE TRAPEZOIDAL RULE YC The approximation formula for the integral Z b a f(t)dt ˇ x 2 (f(x 0) + 2f(x 1) + 2f(x 2) + :::+ 2f(x n 1) + f(x n)): We want to prove the error bound jErrorj K(b a)3 12n2 provided jf 00(x)j K. (i.e. f has an upper bound K. ) Proof: First, we divide the interval [a;b] by n-equal ...

  6. composite trapezoidal rule: divide [0;p] into N intervals and apply the trapezoidal rule to each one, as shown in figure 1(b). In the common case of equal intervals of width Dx = p=N, summing these trapezoid areas yields the following approximate integral, also called the Euler–Maclaurin formula: I N = p N " f(0)+ f(p) 2 + N 1 å n=1 f(np=N) #:

  7. Corrected trapezoidal rules are proved for b a f(x)dx under the assumption that f ∈ Lp([a,b]) for some 1 p ∞. Such quadrature rules involve the trapezoidal rule modified by the addition of a term k[f (a)− f (b)]. The coefficient k in the quadrature formula is found that minimizes the error estimates. It is shown that when f is merely ...

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