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  1. We will then study statistical physics in the framework of ensembles, which allows calculating thermodynamic potentials and predicting how a system behave as a function of temperature, pressure, etc.

  2. Schrodinger equation, there is no real evidence that time needs to travel in a certain direction for the physics to be valid. But the “arrow of time” is dependent on some of the ideas we’ll discuss in this class.

  3. statistical methods of data analysis in particle physics. When reading the book, some parts can be skipped, especially in the first five chapters. Where necessary, back references are included. We welcome comments, suggestions and indications of mistakes and typ-ing errors. We are prepared to discuss or answer questions to specific statis-

  4. 1. The Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics 1.1 Introduction Statistical mechanics is the art of turning the microscopic laws of physics into a de-scription of Nature on a macroscopic scale. Suppose you’ve got theoretical physics cracked. Suppose you know all the funda-

  5. 2.4 Equation of state 13 • well defined (i.e. they have the same value throughout the system: see Fig. 2.3 for an example) • do not vary with time (i.e. if external factors do not change. and you look at the - - -? system-

  6. In this lecture, we introduce some basic concepts in statistical physics. We start with introducing the Gibbs distribution on a given con guration space with an energy function (or the Hamiltonian). Then we introduce the thermodynamic potentials, and derive their connections.

  7. Statistical Mechanics is a branch of physics that pervades all other branches. Statistical mechanics is relevant to Newtonian mechanics, relativity, quantum mechanics, and quantum field theory. Figure 1: Statistical mechanics applies to all realms of physics.

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