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  1. Socrates-Erasmus – fragment pakietu programów edukacyjnych Socrates II Komisji Europejskiej, który ma na celu podnoszenie poziomu kształcenia i wzmacnianie jego europejskiego wymiaru w szkołach wyższych.

  2. The University of Silesia has been participating in the Erasmus+ programme (formerly Socrates programme) since 1998, i.e. since the beginning of the program in Poland. So far, 3607 people have gone to study as part of the programme, and 566 have taken part in international internships.

  3. The Erasmus+ program is aimed at both bachelor, master, and doctoral students who may spend one or two semesters in a selected European university. Successful nominees are granted financial support from the University of Wroclaw for the maximum duration of one semester.

  4. EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. –educational programme founded by the European Commission in 1987. Polish universities, including the University of Wroclaw, joined it in 1998/99. Previous phases and names of the programme: 1987-1993 –Erasmus 1994-1999 –Socrates I (Socrates/Erasmus) 2000-2006 ...

  5. Nowy program Unii Europejskiej Erasmus+ to kolejna faza największego europejskiego programu realizowanego w latach 2014-2020, który jest kontynuacją poprzednich edycji SOCRATES/ERASMUS i LLP/ERASMUS.

  6. The “Erasmus” programme was originally established by the European Union in 1987. It looked to promote closer cooperation between universities and higher education institutions across Europe. This meant setting up an organised and integrated system of cross-border student interchange.

  7. Our aim is to make it possible for our students to do their Erasmus Plus studies in their respective fields of interest and their chosen specialisation in European Studies or International Relations – European Integration.

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