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  1. Covid-19 document requirements vary by destination. It is each passengers’ responsibility to be aware of all mandatory travel requirements before they fly, as failure to comply with individual country requirements may result in boarding/entry being denied.

  2. Some countries still require passengers to wear a face covering/mask on board when flying in and out of the country. We recommend that, before you fly, you check the latest Covid-19 restrictions and requirements of your destination/arrival countries here.

  3. the self-isolation by taking a coronavirus test (PCR), at personal expense, on the 7th day of self-isolation at the earliest, with a negative result thereof. If a person is entitled to isolation exemption, supporting documents may be requested during the inspection.

  4. 10 mar 2021 · Ryanair, linia lotnicza nr 1 w Polsce i w Europie, dziś (10 marca) wprowadziła nową funkcję w swojej aplikacji – zarządzanie dokumentami Covid-19. Pasażerowie mogą zapisać w niej negatywny wynik testu PCR, certyfikat szczepienia oraz inne dokumenty, które mogą być wymagane podczas podróży do krajów UE latem 2021 roku.

  5. It doesn't seem to cover someone like me who has bought priority & 2 bags PLUS the 10kg check-in luggage. Just want to make sure I can take my 2 items on board after dropping off the extra 10kg. Otherwise there would have been no point buying an extra bag!

  6. Travel restrictions apply, Foreign citizens over 18 who are permitted to travel to Sweden must to present a negative C19 test, done within 48hrs prior to arrival and anyone who cannot present a valid negative test will be rejected at the border.

  7. Where Can I Fly? For the latest information on COVID-19 and information on travel restrictions, click below.