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  1. 2 maj 2019 · What points of intersection can be found between sociological and psychological theories and practices? When are sociological and psychological conceptions compatible or contentious? What is interdisciplinarity about?

  2. Evolutionary biology can lead us back to a view of the uniformities in human behavior across cultures that we can reintroduce into sociology as the concept of human nature.

  3. Definition. Social distance refers to the extent to which people experience a sense of familiarity (nearness and intimacy) or unfamiliarity (farness and difference) between themselves and people belonging to different social, ethnic, occupational, and religious groups from their own.

  4. Psychological distance is defined within the Construal-Level Theory (CLT), which was developed by Trope and Liberman . Their first approach referred only to the temporal distance and assumed that we judge a more distant event in time by few abstract characteristics (high-level construal).

  5. 3 maj 2021 · According to Charles Kadushin, through the writings of Park and Bogardus, social distance entered the terminology of American sociology and “became fixed as a social-psychological, rather than as a social-structural factor” (Kadushin 1962: 519).

  6. In sociology, social distance describes the distance between individuals or social groups in society, including dimensions such as social class, race/ethnicity, gender or sexuality. Members of different groups mix less than members of the same group.

  7. three forms of explanation common in the discipline of biology have meaningful homologues in sociology: (1) species-wide human behavior may be explained as the result of biological evolution; (2) behavioral differences between humans, or be-