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  1. In this activity, you will calculate the potential energy of an object and predict the object’s speed when all that potential energy has been converted to kinetic energy. You will then check your prediction.

  2. In this chapter I’ll introduce the formulas for all three types of mechanical energy,starting with gravitational energy. Gravitational Energy. An object’s gravitational energy depends on how high it is,and also on its weight. Specifically,the gravitational energy is the product of weight times height: Gravitational energy = (weight) (height). (2.1)

  3. •It turns out that energy possesses a fundamental characteristic which makes it very useful for solving problems in physics: **Energy is ALWAYS conserved** Kinetic energy K is energy associated with the state of motion of an object. The faster an object moves, the greater its kinetic energy. Potential energy U represents stored energy, e.g., in a

  4. Use the equations for mechanical energy and work to show what is work and what is not. Make it clear why holding something off the ground or carrying something over a level surface is not work in the scientific sense.

  5. The impulse calculation is useful in determining how much force or momentum is involved in violent collisions lasting very short periods of time. The impulse of a force is a useful vector quantity for determining how much

  6. At the most fundamental level there are three kinds of energy 1. Kinetic energyenergy due to motion 2. Potential energy – energy due to interaction a. Gravitational potential energy – interaction between the Earth and a mass b. Elastic potential energy – interaction between a spring and a mass 3. Rest energy – internal energy to a body

  7. Any object with mechanical energy (KE or PE or both) has the ability to do work on other objects. Total Mechanical Energy. • The total amount of mechanical energy (TME) is the sum of the kinetic energy (KE) and the potential energy (PE). • TME = KE + PE.

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