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  1. Non-surgical pneumoperitoneum is defined as free intra-peritoneal air observed during a radi-ological examination, yet not related to neither a viscus perforation nor to surgical intervention.

  2. 5 kwi 2024 · Free gas within the peritoneal cavity can be detected on an abdominal radiograph. The signs created by the free intraperitoneal air can be further divided by anatomical compartments in relation to the pneumoperitoneum:

  3. Pneumoperitoneum is the presence of air or gas in the abdominal (peritoneal) cavity. It is usually detected on x-ray, but small amounts of free peritoneal air may be missed and are often detected on computerized tomography (CT). The most common cause of a pneumoperitoneum is a perforation/disruption of the wall of a hollow viscus.

  4. Findings of pathologic intra-abdominal air can be divided into several categories: (a) ‘free air’, seen in the peritoneal and retroperitoneal space, (b) air seen in the lumen of preformed intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal structures or cavities, such as the bladder and the gallbladder, biliary

  5. Free gas, or pneumoperitoneum, is gas or air trapped within the peritoneal cavity, but outside the lumen of the bowel. Pneumoperitoneum can be due to bowel perforation, or due to insufflation of gas (CO2 or air) during laparoscopy.

  6. 19 gru 2019 · Perforation or rupture of an air-containing bowel loop is the most common cause of free intraperitoneal air. The three radiologic signs of free air are air beneath the diaphragm, visualization of both sides of the bowel wall, and visualization of the falciform ligament.

  7. The multiple, equally spaced, horizontal lines represent repetitions of the skin-to-parietal peritoneum image and the abdominal organs are not visualized due to the attenuation of the sound waves by the free intra-peritoneal air beneath.

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