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  1. Describe the general principles of psychopharmacology. Explain the criteria for psychoactive drugs and the various types of classification systems. Differentiate drug types based on their neurochemical effects on neurotransmission and behavioral impacts.

  2. 22 lis 2020 · To learn more about some of the most commonly abused prescription and street drugs, check out the Commonly Abused Drugs Chart and the Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs Chart from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

  3. 1 sty 2015 · Classification of Psychotropic Drugs. Psychotropic drugs may be classified (1) according to their chemical structure; (2) by their pharmacological actions on specific biological processes, such as receptors, transporter, or ion channels; or (3) by their therapeutic actions.

  4. life span development In this lesson, you will introduce students to the general issues that developmental psychologists examine and how they collect their data.

  5. 23 cze 2017 · This chapter describes the emergence of economic psychology as a discipline, including key developments in theories of economic decision-making, and considers the relationship between behavioural economics and economic psychology.

  6. 7 mar 2012 · Detailed research of several literatures across disciplines revealed five different uses of the term “life course”: (a) life course as time or age, (b) life course as life stages, (c) life course as events, transitions, and trajectories, (d) life course as life-span human development, and (e) life course as early life influences (and their cumul...

  7. Such research led to one of the first attempts to classify psychoactive drugs, according to their clinical effects, under three headings: Narcotics that were medicaments with a calming action comprising opium (for anxiety and manic states), morphine, hyoscine/scopolamine (for inducing a rapid and deep sleep in manic patients) and hashish (a hypn...