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  1. The domain of a function f consists of all values of x for which the value f(x)is defined. For a function defined by a table, its domain consists of numbers in the first

  2. The domain of a function is the set of all input values for which the function is defined. It is the set of all values that can be inserted into the function and produce a valid output. How do I find domain of function?

  3. Evaluate f ( x ) at all points found in Step 1. minimum, or neither if f ¢ ¢ ( c ) = 0 . Evaluate f ( a ) and f ( b ) . Identify the abs. max. (largest function value) and the abs. min.(smallest function value) from the evaluations in Steps 2 & 3.

  4. The domain of a function is the complete set of possible values of the independent variable. In plain English, this definition means: The domain is the set of all possible x -values which will make the function "work", and will output real y -values.

  5. University of Sydney 1 Functions. In these notes we will cover various aspects of functions. We will look at the definition of a function, the domain and range of a function, and what we mean by specifying the domain of a function.

  6. Answer the following questions based on this graph. (a) Determine the minimum and maximum x-values represented on this graph. (b) Determine the minimum and maximum y-values represented on this graph. (c) State the domain and range of this function using set builder notation. y. x.

  7. Domain and Range Worksheets. Domain and range are entry-level topics under the bigger umbrella of coordinate geometry. Domain is the term used for the set of values for the input. Range means the interval in which all the values of the data lie.