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  1. The distance (or perpendicular distance) from a point to a line is the shortest distance from a fixed point to any point on a fixed infinite line in Euclidean geometry. It is the length of the line segment which joins the point to the line and is perpendicular to the line.

  2. Learn how to find the perpendicular distance of a point from a line easily with a formula. For the formula to work, the line must be written in the general form.

  3. The distance between a point \(P\) and a line \(L\) is the shortest distance between \(P\) and \(L\); it is the minimum length required to move from point \( P \) to a point on \( L \). In fact, this path of minimum length can be shown to be a line segment perpendicular to \( L \).

  4. The distance \(d\) from a point \(({ x }_{ 0 },{ y }_{ 0 })\) to the line \(ax+by+c=0\) is \[d=\frac { \left\lvert a({ x }_{ 0 })+b({ y }_{ 0 })+c \right\rvert }{ \sqrt { { a }^{ 2 }{ +b }^{ 2 } } } .\]

  5. Distance from Point to Line Formula. The distance between point and line for a line $Ax + By + C = 0$ and a point with the coordinates $(x₀, y₀)$ is calculated by the following formula $d = \frac{| Ax₀ + By₀ + C |}{\sqrt{ + }}$ where, A, B, and C are real numbers. A and B cannot be equal to zero.

  6. Distance from a point to a line in space formula. If M 0 ( x0, y0, z0) point coordinates, s = {m; n; p} directing vector of line l, M 1 ( x1, y1, z1) - coordinates of point on line l, then distance between point M 0 ( x0, y0, z0) and line l can be found using the following formula: d =. | M0M1 × s |. | s |.

  7. How to calculate the distance between a point and a line using the formula. Example #1. Find the distance between a point and a line using the point (5,1) and the line y = 3x + 2. Rewrite y = 3x + 2 as ax + by + c = 0. Using y = 3x + 2, subtract y from both sides. y - y = 3x - y + 2. 0 = 3x - y + 2.

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