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  1. I need to create a PHP function that will list all the routes between two given points, order by the shortest distance. Example what are the routes for point A and E. List all the routes ordered by their distance.

  2. Here the simple and perfect code for calculating the distance between two latitude and longitude. The following code have been found from here - $latitudeFrom = '22.574864'; $longitudeFrom = '88.437915'; $latitudeTo = '22.568662';

  3. Measuring the distance between two coordinates in PHP. To calculate the distance between two coordinates in PHP, you can use the Haversine formula, which is a formula used to calculate the distance between two points on a sphere based on their longitudes and latitudes. Here is an example of how you can use the Haversine formula to calculate the ...

  4. 26 mar 2024 · The formula for distance between two point (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is sqrt((x2 – x1) 2 + (y2 – y1) 2). The Euclidean distance between two points in a Cartesian coordinate system can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

  5. I've tested the following functions for measuring the distance between two coordinates: <?php. $var1 = vincentyGreatCircleDistance(500359,0054253,583838,0030412,6371000); echo "$var1" ; $var2 = distance(500359,0054253,583838,0030412,'K'); echo "<br>$var2" ; function distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit) {. $theta = $lon1 - $lon2;

  6. This class can calculate routes between two locations with OpenStreetMap API. It can send HTTP requests to the OpenStreetMap API Web server to query the route between two given locations, using a given type of vehicle. The class can return the route details like the distance to travel, the duration of the trip, trip instructions, and a list of ...

  7. This class can get the distance between locations with given coordinates. It can take the latitude and longitude of two locations and calculates the distance between them. The distance value can be returned in miles, kilometers or nautical miles.