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  1. 9 paź 2015 · $d(O,P) = \sqrt{\frac{x_{1}^2}{s_{11}}+ \frac{x_{2}^2}{s_{22}}}$ where $s_{11}$ and $s_{22}$ are the variance of points along x1 and x2 direction, assuming the x1 and x2 are independent. What will be the generalized form for computing statistical distance in the given space using any $l_{p}-norm$ ?

  2. Answer The equation of motion is given by Mx + bx_ + kx = F Assuming x(0) = _x(0) = 0, the Laplace transform is given by Ms2X(s) + bsX(s) + kX(s) = F(s) Factoring out X(s), we have X(s)(Ms2 + bs+ k) = F(s) Regrouping the terms, X(s) F(s) = 1 Ms2 + bs+ k A.2 Block Diagram Example

  3. 1. Use your position x vs time t data to find the dependence of velocity v vs time t. The instantaneous velocity is equal to the slope of the graph of x vs t at a particular instant of time. It can be approximated by the average velocity v = Δx/Δt , where Δx = xi 1 − xi is the change of the position in time Δt = ti 1 − ti. You will ...

  4. The formula for the Euclidean Distance (ED) between samples i and h across p dimensions is: [latex]ED = \sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^p(a_{hj} - a_{ij})^2}[/latex] Here is a dataset reporting the presence or absence of each of five species (variables) on three plots:

  5. 8 mar 2021 · you can just apply the formula of the euclidian distance: sqrt((x-xtrack).^2+(y-ytrack).^2) and you will obtain a 177136x1166 distance matrix. By the way you obtain the same result with pdist2([x,y],[xtrack;ytrack].'). –

  6. This report details how to determine the positions and times at which the distance between the objects is minimized as they progress along their routes | that is, the routes’ closest approaches.

  7. First, the report should have a structure that makes pertinent information easy to find. Every report should begin with an abstract and/or introduction. This section clearly and concisely describes the primary objectives that were explored throughout the experiment.