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  1. Chinese Buddhist Songs : Daniel Yeo - 'Man with Love' (2003) Album by Daniel Yeo, a Buddhist composer from Singapore. Pass It On Chinese Buddhist Childrens Songs - with lyrics and karaoke versions.

  2. This is a collection of Chinese Buddhist Songs. All files are in MP3 format - please right click on the links and choose "Save Target As.." to save them. If you have quality audio material to contribute to this section, please contact us and we will include them here.

  3. 9 maj 2017 · You can download a PDF version of the lyric with Chinese original here. 00:00. Song of Three Jewels 三寶歌 (San Bao Ge) Lyric by Master Taixu, Melody by Master Hongyi, Translated into English by Gankyil Organization. (Refuge to the Buddha) 人天長夜,宇宙黮闇,誰啟以光明? 三界火宅,眾苦煎迫,誰濟以安寧? 大悲大智大雄力,南無佛陀耶。 昭朗萬有,衽席群生,功德莫能名。 今乃知,唯此是,真正皈依處,盡形壽,獻身命,信受勤奉行。

  4. 28 lip 2018 · Da Bei Zhou 大悲咒 Great Compassion Mantra Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Gong Yue 龚玥. Chinese Song Name: Da Bei Zhou 大悲咒. English Tranlation Name: Great Compassion Mantra. Chinese Singer: Gong Yue 龚玥. Chinese Composer: Unkonw.

  5. "Windows Media Player" or "Quick Time" will play the following Dharma Talks, Recitation, Chanting, and Songs: Dharma Talks by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua (Chinese with English translation): History of Making Images (9.75 MB)

  6. 6 mar 2017 · The Great Chinese Buddha Songs List. Chinese Buddha music is the music and songs are often used during the religious ceremonies in the temples, which are mostly broadcasting among the followers of Buddhism.

  7. This is a collection of Buddhist Songs, performed in English. All files are in MP3 format - please right click on the links and choose "Save Target As.." to save them. If you have quality audio material to contribute to this section, please contact us and we will include them here.

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