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  1. Interior. The Palace of Westminster contains over 1,100 rooms, 100 staircases and 4.8 kilometres (3 mi) of passageways, which are spread over four floors. The ground floor is occupied by offices, dining rooms and bars; the first, or principal, floor houses the main rooms of the palace, including the debating chambers, the lobbies and the libraries.

  2. What statues do the Palace of Westminster contain? Why did they pose a problem to its architect?

  3. Palace's Interiors Explore the inside of the Palace, designed with spectacular fixtures and fittings by the eccentric A.W.N. Pugin. It contains a rich collection of works of art.

  4. Palace of Westminster) – zabytkowy, neogotycki pałac w Londynie, w Wielkiej Brytanii; siedziba brytyjskiej Izby Gmin, Izby Lordów oraz urzędów z nimi związanych; zabytek I klasy od 1970 roku, w 1987 roku wpisany na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.

  5. Read about the current Palace of Westminster as designed by architect Sir Charles Barry

  6. The Lords Chamber has the grandest interior because it is where the three elements of Parliament (the Sovereign, the Lords and the Commons) come together. The interior was designed by Augustus Welby Pugin and the furnishings in the Chamber are predominantly decorated in red.

  7. 20 cze 2016 · At 6:20pm on the evening of October 16, 1834, a fire began in the old Palace of Westminster in London – the foremost seat of parliamentary governance for both the United Kingdom and the...

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