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  1. Why is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict so long-lasting and traumatic? How does modern Israel relate to biblical Israel? Are we witnessing fulfilment of biblical prophecy in any way?

  2. In the complex and deeply rooted conflict between Israel and Palestine, the Bible plays a significant role in shaping perspectives, beliefs, and even policies. With a rich history and a plethora of biblical references, this article aims to explore what the Bible says about Israel and Palestine while acknowledging the historical, religious, and ...

  3. Many Jews and Christians saw this as the fulfilment of God's desire for the people of Israel, in fulfilment of God's promises in scripture. The founding of Israel as a nation state involved the displacement of many Palestinians, and led to the establishment of refugee camps by the United Nations.

  4. In Deuteronomy 20, God’s main injunction to Israel is to not be afraid: “When you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and a nation larger than you, do not be afraid of...

  5. At heart, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a dispute over land. Religion is often the proxy for that dispute, pitting two different ethnicities and religions. Little wonder those tensions tend to flare around religious holidays, both Jewish and Muslim.

  6. 1 The Joseph and Moses narratives 4: narratives about the origins of Israel; 2 Historical notes on Israel's conquest of Palestine: a peasants' rebellion; 3 The background of the patriarchs: a reply to William Dever and Malcolm Clark; 4 Conflict themes in the Jacob narratives; 5 History and tradition: a response to J. B. Geyer

  7. Archeological excavations in the Near E have illuminated and supplemented Biblical history, which is largely Israelite history. The records and inscrs. of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans give a background for and sometimes deal directly with the history of Israel.

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