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  1. Consumers can be misled and companies can give a false impression of their environmental impacts or benefits - a practice known as greenwashing. With a proposed new law on green claims, the EU is taking action to address greenwashing and protect consumers, and the environment.

  2. The EU aims to put an end to greenwashing, when companies claim to be greener than they are, and provide more information to consumers on the durability of products they buy.

  3. Green claims: this directive complements the EU’s ban on greenwashing and introduces a verification system for companies that want to make environmental-related claims. Before using such claims for their products, companies would need to submit evidence for them and get preapproval from verifiers assigned by EU countries.

  4. Generic Environmental Claims: Broad claims that a product or service is environmentally friendly, such as “eco-friendly,” “green,” or “sustainable.” The directive ensures these claims are backed by substantial evidence to prevent greenwashing.

  5. 11 mar 2024 · Following a debate on Monday, MEPs will adopt on Tuesday their position on new rules to verify and pre-approve green marketing claims to protect consumers from misleading ads. The so-called green claims directive complements the already-adopted EU ban on greenwashing.

  6. 19 mar 2024 · The Green Claims and Green Transition Directives each set minimum requirements in business-to-consumer (B2C) commercial practices and will address greenwashing by tackling false environmental claims made towards consumers.

  7. Today's Green Claims proposal complements the UCPD by setting specific rules on the substantiation, verification and communication of voluntary environmental claims and environmental labelling schemes on the EU market.

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