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  1. The best The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock study guide on the planet. The fastest way to understand the poem's meaning, themes, form, rhyme scheme, meter, and poetic devices.

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      Students love them!" Original. Romeo (aside) She speaks. O,...

  2. Far from a true love song, “Prufrock” is a lament for thwarted meaning and desire. Read the free full text, a summary & analysis, an analysis of the speaker, and explanations of important quotes from “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”

  3. A summary of “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in T. S. Eliot's Eliot's Poetry. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Eliot's Poetry and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

  4. This ground-breaking modernist poem has attracted many interpretations, involving everything from psychoanalysis to biographical readings, but it remains an elusive poem. Background context. T. S. Eliot wrote ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ while he was still a student at Harvard University, in his early twenties.

  5. The poem explores the central thematic of urban decadence and modern decay behind the background of a love song and unrequited love. It emphasizes its anti-heroic stance concerning an urban man as Prufrock could not propose, and his love remained unrequited.

  6. The poem is not a love song in the traditional sense of the word. It is not a spontaneous outburst of feeling of the lover for the beloved, rather it is an analysis of the mind of the lover who is unable to make a decision about making the proposal to the lady he loves.

  7. The poem follows the fragmented consciousness of a middle-aged male speaker, J. Alfred Prufrock, as he navigates fears and concerns about his life and reflects upon his impotency and inability to create meaning for himself in the modern world.

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