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  1. 7 godz. temu · Calculate the initial concentrations of Fe3+ and SCN− for the 25.00 mL solutions used in Part C and enter the values in the spreadsheet. For the purposes of this Prelab exercise only, use the given Abs values, above, and assume an arbitrary value of 3300 M-1 for the slope of a Beer's Law graph of Absorbance versus [FeSCN2+].

  2. 7 godz. temu · Calculate the initial concentrations of Fe3+ and SCN− for the 25.00 mL solutions used in Part C and enter the values in the spreadsheet. For the purposes of this Prelab exercise only, use the given Abs values, above, and assume an arbitrary value of 3300 M-1 for the slope of a Beer's Law graph of Absorbance versus [FeSCN2+].