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  1. 3 godz. temu · Parsing latitude and longitude from tables presents complicated challenges. Coordinates expressed initially in degrees and minutes encounter encoding abnormalities, such as “ \(^{\circ }\) ” becoming “8” and “”’ turning into “1”, such complexities are not much in numbers and are not addressed in this version, the sample of ...

  2. 3 godz. temu · As far as i understand, the data is first extrated in lon/lat (-122.271, 37.871), but then i get converted into a different format... Could someone help me understand why the conversion is required and how could i convert isochrone_polys back into lon/lat

  3. 3 godz. temu · The dataset includes the following characteristics: the date and time of each GPS point registration, the number of vehicle rounds completed up to that moment, latitude and longitude coordinates, vehicle navigation in sexagesimal degrees, and vehicle identifier. Additionally, there is a second dataset containing the stops belonging to the route.

  4. 3 godz. temu · Spatial features. will encompass the following attributes: coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude), distance of each data point to the antenna, and distance of each data point to the center of its hexagon. Latitude, longitude, and altitude are obtained during the decoding step.

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