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  1. An IATA airport code, also known as an IATA location identifier, IATA station code, or simply a location identifier, is a three-letter geocode designating many airports and metropolitan areas around the world, defined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). [1]

  2. IATA codes are abbreviations that the International Air Transport Association (IATA) publishes to facilitate air travel. They are typically 1, 2, 3, or 4 character combinations (referred to as unigrams , digrams , trigrams , or tetragrams , respectively) that uniquely identify locations, equipment, companies, and times to standardize ...

  3. Former name: Atlantic Air Transport; former IATA codes: 7M, DG, transferred to Atlantic Flight Training in 2014. QB AAJ Air Alma: AIR ALMA Canada Ceased operations 10/01/2002; former IATA code: 4L ACS Air Cess: Liberia defunct ADT Air Dorval: AIR DORVAL Canada defunct AHN Air Hungaria: AIR HUNGARIA Hungary AHR Air Adriatic: ADRIATIC Croatia ...

  4. Kod linii IATA – dwuznakowy kod alfanumeryczny przypisany przez IATA poszczególnym liniom lotniczym. Tworzy on pierwszą część numeru lotu, np. LO676 oznacza lot PLL "LOT" (LO to kod linii LOT) nr 676 a BA1540 to lot linii British Airways nr 1540.

  5. kod IATA – kod przypisany poszczególnym liniom lotniczym. kod IATA – kod służący do oznaczania portów lotniczych.

  6. Międzynarodowe Zrzeszenie Przewoźników Powietrznych (ang. International Air Transport Association = IATA) – światowa organizacja handlowa z siedzibą w Montrealu i Genewie (Szwajcaria) skupiająca 290 przewoźników wykorzystujących linie lotnicze [1].

  7. This airline and airport code search engine provides an official source for codes assigned by IATA. Find out the 2-letter code of an airline or identify to which airline a 2-letter code corresponds. This search tool returns 2 search results.

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