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  1. 1 wrz 2022 · The Palin PCI treatment aims at reducing a child's stuttering with interaction strategies (such as following the child's lead, balancing the parent's speech rate to the child's rate, pausing, establishing eye contact) and family strategies (such as special times, openness about stuttering, turn-taking, building confidence; Kelman & Nicholas ...

  2. What are the Indicators to Treat Children, Adolescents and Adults who Stutter? Stuttering is a disorder in the fluency of speech. The first symptoms are usually observed in

  3. This guideline provides recommendations primarily to speech-language pathologists and fluency specialists about the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and management of children, adolescents, and adults who stutter.

  4. 13 wrz 2021 · Scores on tests and measures of speech fluency and stuttering (e.g., Speech Situation ChecklistSpeech Disruption [SSC-SD; Brutten & Vanryckeghem, 2007], Stuttering Severity Instrument [SSI; Riley, 2009], Test of Childhood Stuttering [TOCS; Gillam et al., 2009]

  5. 12 kwi 2021 · The most frequent form of stuttering, childhood onset speech fluency disorder, occurs in at least 5% of all children and typically presents between the ages of 3 and 6 years (Bloodstein and Ratner, 2008; Reilly et al., 2013). Recovery frequently occurs within the first years, particularly in girls.

  6. 1 lis 2019 · However, stuttering may be persistent, even with early intervention, and affects about 1% of adults. In patients with persistent stuttering, speech therapy focuses on developing effective compensatory techniques and eliminating ineffective secondary behaviors.

  7. 27 sty 2021 · These findings suggest that variability is a common and burdensome aspect of the experience of stuttering and underscore the importance of considering variability in stuttering behavior, reactions, and impact in research, assessment, and treatment for adults who stutter.