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  1. 2 mar 2024 · Some young children may stutter when their speech and language abilities aren't developed enough to keep up with what they want to say. Most children outgrow this type of stuttering, called developmental stuttering. But sometimes stuttering is a long-term condition that remains into adulthood.

  2. Stuttering is when fluent speech is disrupted by repetition, prolongations, or blocks (ASHA, n.d.) Whatever the cause of their stutter, it can be very frustrating for your adult patients. But there’s plenty that speech therapy can do to help! In this article, you’ll learn: The causes of stuttering in adults.

  3. People who stutter often develop movement habits that appear when they stutter. Examples include unusual blinking, looking away, grimacing your face and clenching your fists. How you feel can affect the symptoms. Stuttering symptoms often worsen when you’re tired, excited, anxious or stressed.

  4. 1 wrz 2022 · Both individual and group therapy can address overt and covert aspects of stuttering, and in speech therapy children learn strategies to minimize overt stuttering and ways to cope with residual stuttering (Yaruss, 2010).

  5. For older children and adults, treatment focuses on managing stuttering. An SLP will help them feel less tense and speak more freely in school, at work, and in different social settings. The SLP will also help the person face speaking situations that make them fearful or anxious.

  6. Home. Health Information. Stuttering. On this page: What is stuttering? Who stutters? How is speech normally produced? What are the causes and types of stuttering? How is stuttering diagnosed? How is stuttering treated? What research is being conducted on stuttering? Where can I find additional information about stuttering? What is stuttering?

  7. This guideline provides recommendations primarily to speech-language pathologists and fluency specialists about the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and management of children, adolescents, and adults who stutter.