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  1. You don't give us details about your situation, so all I can give is generalized advice. See a lawyer and understand the ugly parts of what a divorce will mean for you. Find out what it will cost, what kind of split is likely, alimony/child support, etc. At least you'll know.

  2. Im really confused by a good friend of mine getting married a few months ago and announcing a divorce today. This doesn’t make any sense. I thought this only happened in reality shows, but i guess it happens here and there. Why would somebody get married if there were already insurmountable issues?

  3. 944 votes, 804 comments. Curious about men’s perspective on divorce and marriage once he’s been through it. Keep it as short or as long as you want…

  4. The simple answer to why divorce is suggested so much is there are a lot of people who do not actually place a value on marriage, and simply see it as being extra together, rather than a lifelong vow between partners.

  5. Divorce is a bit like crossing a river with your old life on one bank and your future on the other side. Except the river is full of raw sewage. Don't splash or swim or you'll get it in your mouth and eyes.

  6. About seven hours ago, my wife said to me five words that I believe has set us on a path for divorce. She said “I want an open marriage.” I’m here to get some advice, insight on poly/open marriage, what could my wife be really thinking and future question to ask her as we will be having many more long discussions. Im at a loss and need help.

  7. Your first sentence is something a lot of people need to understand in a relationship. You can only fix your mental health, not someone else's. My ex would threaten divorce and eventually I was like, ok. That was that and we filed.

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