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  1. How do we monitor fluid balance? Knowing the signs and symptoms of Fluid Imbalance in the body is a crucial aspect of hospital care and assessment. It is assessed in 3 ways: physical assessment, blood results and fluid balance charts.

  2. fluid balance chart. • The chart must be reviewed by a RN, NA, or doctor once the chart is complete at the end of the 24-hour period. This must be documented in the patient’s notes. • If the fluid balance starts or finishes at a specific time, then staff must draw a line through the timelines not used.

  3. The amount of fluid going into your body and out of your body can be monitored using a fluid balance chart. The chart has two sides. The input side (what goes into your body) and the output side (what goes out of your body).

  4. All members of the nursing team should be alerted to commencement of fluid balance monitoring. The Trust fluid balance monitoring on Nerve Centre should be used. All fluid balance charts to be completed with the patient’s name, date, and ward and hospital number.

  5. Fluid Balance Chart Hospital: ... RIO No.: NHS No.: FLUID BALANCE Date: 24 hours from: to: INTAKE: ml OUTPUT: ml Time Oral Intravenous Other Urine Tube Other TOTALS Total Intake: Measured Output: Estimated Insens Loss: BALANCE: U S E C H A R T. F O R 2 4-H O U R P E R I O D O N L Y A l l e r g i e s: ...

  6. The total (oral, IV drugs and prescribed fluids) volume prescribed in healthy adults (without excess fluid losses) should be of the order of 30 ml/kg/day up to a maximum of 2.5L. Consider prescribing less fluid (e.g. 20-25 ml/kg/day) for patients who are older,

  7. September 2014 – Adult V0.13 - Daily Fluid Prescription & Balance chart Aims and outcomes of session. Aim: To provide guidance on correctly completing the Outcomes: Demonstrate the ability to: calculate and complete fluid prescription. correctly administer fluids. correctly complete a fluid balance chart. 2 adult

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