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  1. Fluid balance is a term used to describe the balance of input and output of fluids in the body, to allow metabolic processes to function properly and thereby maintaining optimal hydration (Marieb and Hoehn, 2018).

  2. Fluid balance is an essential tool in determining hydration status. Recording intake and output tends to be one of the key activities undertaken at the bedside and is used in conjunction with the recording of vital signs and certain laboratory reports to set required fluid intake levels.

  3. • The fluid balance chart should have RN or NA signed review every 6 hours and 24-hour sign off by RN, NA or clinician, this should be recorded on paper fluid balance if in use, or in the patient’s notes if fluid balance recorded electronically.

  4. What is a fluid balance chart? The amount of fluid going into your body and out of your body can be monitored using a fluid balance chart. The chart has two sides. The input side (what goes into your body) and the output side (what goes out of your body).

  5. This document contains a 24-hour adult fluid balance chart used at Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust. It records a patient's fluid intake and output over a 24-hour period, including goals for fluid input.

  6. Guidelines for fluid balance and supporting optimal hydration in adults during hospital stay. Studies have shown that dehydration is associated with poor clinical outcomes, including: • constipation and subsequent medication. • confusion (with risks of falls and fractures) • headaches.

  7. September 2014 – Adult V0.13 - Daily Fluid Prescription & Balance chart Aims and outcomes of session. Aim: To provide guidance on correctly completing the Outcomes: Demonstrate the ability to: calculate and complete fluid prescription. correctly administer fluids. correctly complete a fluid balance chart. 2 adult

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