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19 maj 2023 · QCX+: a feature-packed, high performance, single-band 5W CW transceiver kit, with WSPR beacon and built-in alignment/test equipment. Available for 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 or 17m bands. It has rotary encoder synthesised tuning, VFO A/B/Split, Iambic keyer, CW decoder, and more...
3 sie 2017 · QCX: a feature-packed, high performance, single-band 5W CW transceiver kit, with WSPR beacon and built-in alignment/test equipment. Available for 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 or 17m bands. It has rotary encoder synthesised tuning, VFO A/B/Split, Iambic keyer, CW decoder, and more...
The K2 is a full-featured HF transceiver with the options you have come to expect from radios costing over twice as much. Two VFOs with multiple memories, split TX/RX operation, RIT/XIT, full break-in CW, memory keyer, narrow IF crystal filtering, excellent RX dynamic range and IF derived AGC are standard on the K2.
QRPGuys is an organization of hams that offer budget and unique ham radio kits. Our specialty will be low cost, high enjoyment kits for the builder that can be assembled in an evening or two.
The "QMX" (QRP Labs Mulitmode Xcvr): a feature-packed, high performance, five-band (80, 60, 40, 30, 20m) 5W multi-mode transceiver kit. , including embedded SDR receiver, 24-bit 48 ksps USB sound card, CAT control, synthesized VFO with TCXO reference.
Assemble the µBITX transceiver in an hour with just a screwdriver! A general coverage, 10 watts HF SSB/CW transceiver kit with features you NEED for operating ease, convenience and versatility. It works from 3 MHz to 30 MHz, with up to 10 watts on SSB and CW, with a very sensitive receiver.
19 maj 2023 · QMX: a feature-packed, high performance, 5-BAND 5W, CW and Digi-modes transceiver kit, including embedded SDR, 24-bit 48 ksps USB sound card, CAT control, synthesized VFO with TCXO reference. Click! Shop order