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  1. How do we monitor fluid balance? Knowing the signs and symptoms of Fluid Imbalance in the body is a crucial aspect of hospital care and assessment. It is assessed in 3 ways: physical assessment, blood results and fluid balance charts.

  2. Fluid balance is an essential tool in determining hydration status. Recording intake and output tends to be one of the key activities undertaken at the bedside and is used in conjunction with the recording of vital signs and certain laboratory reports to set required fluid intake levels.

  3. Fluid Balance Charts (see appendix 4) • All fluid balance charts should be completed with the date, patient’s name, hospital number, date of birth, ward, consultant, previous 24 hour fluid balance (if applicable),

  4. The amount of fluid going into your body and out of your body can be monitored using a fluid balance chart. The chart has two sides. The input side (what goes into your body) and the output side (what goes out of your body).

  5. Fluid Balance Chart Hospital: ... RIO No.: NHS No.: FLUID BALANCE Date: 24 hours from: to: INTAKE: ml OUTPUT: ml Time Oral Intravenous Other Urine Tube Other TOTALS Total Intake: Measured Output: Estimated Insens Loss: BALANCE: U S E C H A R T. F O R 2 4-H O U R P E R I O D O N L Y A l l e r g i e s: ...

  6. The guidance aims to: Prevent or reduce adverse consequences associated with patient dehydration by establishing an effective standard and management for optimal hydration. Create one set method for recording detailed and accurate fluid input and output.

  7. The total (oral, IV drugs and prescribed fluids) volume prescribed in healthy adults (without excess fluid losses) should be of the order of 30 ml/kg/day up to a maximum of 2.5L. Consider prescribing less fluid (e.g. 20-25 ml/kg/day) for patients who are older,

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